As the years go by, our room needs change.
Children grow up, leave home, a new home business is started grandchildren arrive. Such is life. And that means that the house flow needs to be updated, refreshed and renewed.
A new home may be out of the question, but the question really is, "Are you really using that space to its fullest potential and functionality?" It's really difficult to see our old homes with fresh eyes, but Rick is an expert on carving meaningful spaces out of unused and neglected square footage that you would never have thought of.
Is there a small corner of the living room that has wonderful windows? Perhaps for busy singles or parents need something that is more functional and lovely to look at or empty-nesters it can be converted to a beautiful coffee bar where two people can relax and discuss their plans for their new life together as they comfortably enjoy the light of the day. No office? Let's do a pull-out station and customized storage that uses that little kitchen corner as a very efficient command station!
Invite Rick into your house and let him suggest some life altering solutions that make your day flow better and add to the enjoyment of every member of your family. It only takes a few changes to move with the seasons of your life.